Tag Archives: audh

‘Runaway with Me’ by Nisha Sainani

Nisha Sainani- Runaway With Me

Nisha Sainani- Runaway With Me

The best journeys are those that answer questions which were never asked. ‘Runaway with me’ is inspired by Nisha’s travels to Turkey. This collection is for a woman who loves experimenting with new cultures, while having a strong sense of identity herself.

Nisha Sainani- Runaway With Me

Nisha Sainani- Runaway With Me

Whether it is the motifs, silhouettes, or even the colours, they tell a story which contains a myriad of emotions. Nisha has always been a traveler at heart, as she believes that it is the best inspiration for creativity.

Nisha Sainani- Runaway With Me

Nisha Sainani- Runaway With Me

Turkey, which has centuries of heritage and culture, as well as breathtaking natural beauty was a place, which called out to her.

Nisha Sainani- Runaway With Me

Nisha Sainani- Runaway With Me

The collection prints include Nisha’s interpretation of the Turkish symbol of the ‘evil eye’ and also fun elements like the audh (Turkish guitar) and the signature dancing dervish. She has worked in collaboration with ZEMA-Fine Jewellery to also design special brooches for this collection.